Some Vegetation Icons!

I spent a while in Photoshop making these little vegetation icons. Hopefully you can see what they are. Each icon is 64×64 if you apply a grid – not for use with RPG Maker VX/Ace as those icons are 24×24.

Eventually I will complete some more and put them into an Icon Set for RM but for now their progress will stay right here.

Realism isn’t the point of these icons (in case you didn’t already notice) but instead look more cartoony. I will remake some of these later. I think the Leek, the Potato and the Pumpkins might need a bit more work.

ImageMany people seem to think that pixel art is the way to go when drawing icons. It really only works when you have lots of time and a small canvas but even the small canvas can have drawn work. For the RM conversion I will scale them down and by the looks of how a test came out, it seems to work very well.

Also I’m not limited to vegetation in this small set – I will do some other things (but mainly food.)